Quantilus + Digital.ai: Advanced DevOps & Security Capabilities for Software Workflows

As an authorized Digital.ai partner, Quantilus can offer, integrate, and implement advanced DevOps and Security capabilities to ensure continuous delivery of our client’s software.
Quantilus Innovation, Inc. Announces Acquisition of Sakha Global

Quantilus Expands Commitment to Making Big Data, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Augmented and Virtual Reality, and Metaverse Services Accessible to SMBs.
Tech Job Forecast for 2022

Discover tech jobs that are projected to be in demand.
Top 9 Technology Jobs in Demand for 2021

While the tech job market is still healthy, the most desired skill sets are slightly shifting, explore the nine technology jobs in demand for 2021.
Measuring the Positive Impact & Long-term ROI of AI Recruiting Software

Few questions to consider when measuring the possible ROI of AI recruiting software.
Hiring Remotely During the Coronavirus Crisis

The impact the coronavirus pandemic on the hiring process.
Best Cities in the US to Launch your Tech Start-Up

Best Cities in the US to launch Tech Start-ups.
Quantilus Rides to Fight MS

We are tremendously excited to announce that our CEO – Debarshi Chaudhury – will be participating in Bike MS, an epic fundraising ride that is changing the lives of people affected by Multiple Sclerosis and helping fuel progress toward a world free of MS. Our goal—a world free of MS. Bike MS is a fundraising ride […]
InnerView: The Definitive Recruitment and Staffing Podcast

We are tremendously excited to announce the launch of InnerView – the Definitive Podcast driving thought leadership in the recruitment and staffing industry. InnerView is a collaboration between the teams at Quantilus, eNamix (https://enamix.com), and Appliqant (https://appliqant.com). You can check out the latest episodes of the podcast and subscribe at: https://innerview-podcast.com. To listen and subscribe […]